Amaze Restoration is a general contractor for the restoration industry. From the initial inspection to air quality and materials testing to the removal/remediation/abatement to the rebuild, we've got you covered. We pride ourselves on using the most up to date equipment and products to keep everyone involved in the restoration project safe and healthy. Asbestos, Mold, Radon, Lead, Fire, Flood, Trauma, Biohazards and Disaster Services are our areas of expertise when it comes to project management in the restoration industry. Our group of trained and certified professionals has the tools, equipment and experience to get your project done right the first time. Contact us today and let's get your restoration project started.
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When looking for the right restoratation professional ensure that you are comparing quotes equally by the amount of work that needs to be done. We can provide you with a scope of work and project management to ensure you have a professional in your corner, as pricing can change significantly when things are not included on competitors quotes.
Mon-Fri 9 am – 9 pm
Sat - Sun 9 am – 5 pm
Google Maps | Amaze Restoration Ramona, KS